Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Stardoll Glitches

Hey guys! Sorry for not posting in a while. Today while I was on Stardoll, and I noticed a couple of glitches. Here they are:

As you could see below, the Black cat at the bottom line is called a "button up shirt". It doesn't look like a button up shirt to me...

This Hilary bag is for starcoins, but when you sell it, it comes up as stardollars. Weird, huh?

In Miss Sixty, if you click on the Black dress with Grey flowers on it, you see that the belt is not as detailed as it is when it is on the mannequin. 

I'm not sure if this is a glitch, but if you search DOT in Starplaza, you will find some items which you can't find in the store. I found this shade stick which looks quite different from the other shade sticks. What do you think?

Remember to comment :)



  1. The miss sixty dress belt isn't as detailed because it's a separate belt from the dress. ~Alana
